French 2nd group verbs are regular -ir verbs.
What’s the present tense of regular -ir verbs?
To conjugate these verbs in the present tense, just remove the -ir ending and add the following present tense ending:
je -> -is
tu -> -is
il/elle/on -> -it
nous -> -issons
vous -> -issez
ils/elles -> -issent
Here is the conjugation of the verb finir in the French present tense with its pronunciation.
Je finis
Tu finis
Il finit
Elle finit
On finit
Nous finissons
Vous finissez
Ils finissent
Elles finissent
List of useful regular -ir verbs
Here are some French regular -ir verbs you need to know and remember:
abolir = to abolish
accomplir = to accomplish
agir = to act
applaudir = to applaud
avertir = to notify, to warn
choisir = to choose
convertir = to convert
définir = to define
démolir = to demolish
désobéir = to disobey
enrichir = to enrich, to enhance
finir = to finish
garantir = to guarantee
grandir = to grow up
grossir = to gain weight, to enlarge
guérir = to heal, to cure
maigrir = to lose weight
nourrir = to feed
obéir = to obey
punir = to punish
ralentir = to slow down
réagir = to react
réfléchir = to think
remplir = to fill
réunir = to reunite
réussir = to succeed
rôtir = to roast
trahir = to betray
unir = to unite
vieillir = to get older, to age
Are all French -ir verbs regular ?
No, they aren’t. So, be careful when conjugating -ir verbs!
For example, dormir and partir aren’t regular -ir verbs. They belong to the 3rd group of French verbs that are irregular and need to be learned separately.
dormir (=to sleep) => je dors / tu dors / il dort / elle dort / on dort / nous dormons / vous dormez / ils dorment / elles dorment
partir (=to leave) => je pars / tu pars / il part / elle part / on part / nous partons / vous partez / ils partent / elles partent.
Now test yourself with a quiz on the conjugation of regular -ir verbs!
Quiz on the present tense of regular -ir verbs