Welcome to I learn French fast!
If you want to discover or improve your French, this is the place to be. Here, you can learn French online and do training exercises for free.
Each page aims at developing an aspect of the French language. You can learn each point at your own pace by repeating the words. Then, you can practice with the different activities and games offered on the site.
How can you progress fast in French?
1- Set yourself simple goals so that you don’t get discouraged or bored with french learning.
2- Stay positive! You need to practice regularly but don’t always do the same thing: if you feel stuck on a learning point, move on to something else for a while, and then try again later.
3- Have fun! Try to diversify your French learning activities. Watch movies or short videos, listen to French music (for example, on youtube), read short stories or news articles…

4- Repeat, repeat, repeat! Always keep in mind that repetition is the key to progress in language learning!
5- Unfortunately, French is a language that isn’t pronounced as it is written. Don’t worry about that point: that’s not the most important point in French learning! People can understand you even if your pronunciation isn’t perfect.
6- Train yourself regularly! Working once a week for several hours will be far less effective than training several times a week.
7- Don’t be afraid of grammar! Of course, grammar is important, but so is vocabulary. It may seem difficult at first, but you will progress with time and training. Besides, learning French vocabulary will help you to be more self-confident.
8-Dare to speak French whenever you get the opportunity to do so! Dare to make mistakes! And don’t be shy! You will learn a lot from your mistakes.
9- Take a trip to France and enjoy the French way of life! Of course, you can also go to any other french-speaking country: it will help you to break away from your native language.
10- If you can’t travel to France, use the advice given here to read or listen to as much French as possible!

How to use this website
If you’re a beginner in French language learning, begin with basics. First, learn the French alphabet. Then, pay attention to the French pronunciation tab. Even if this part may seem boring or difficult, don’t worry about that: don’t get stuck and just try to reread this section from time to time. And it will soon become clearer.
If you don’t feel at ease with grammar, focus on words and phrases. Learning vocabulary is important: you can make yourself understood when you know enough vocabulary, even if your grammar isn’t perfect. Grammar will get easier and develop through practice.
This website is just starting and thus it is still under construction. I’ll add lessons in the next weeks and months.
As you can’t learn French without knowing French culture, I’ll open a tab about France and the French way of living.
Helpful resources to progress in French
Audio comprehension
You can use podcasts. For example, you can find short dialogues and conversations here. A transcription is provided for each podcast.
If you’re a false beginner (or if you are highly motivated), you can watch short videos on linguo.tv. Each video has subtitles and can be slowed down.