Let’s learn nationality adjectives


To talk about nationalities, you have to know a few rules about the use of adjectives in French.


Rules about the use of nationality adjectives


1- First, note that French nationality adjectives are not capitalized.

2- English adjectives are invariable, but French adjectives can change.

Thus, you have to pay attention to number and gender.


Plural form of nationality adjectives


⇒ To get the plural form, you generally add an “s” at the end of the nationality adjective.


 Feminine form of nationality adjectives


⇒To find the feminine form of a nationality adjective, there are 4 different cases :

◊ Nationality adjectives that don’t change

Examples: belge, croate, russe, suisse…

◊ You just add an “e” at the end of some nationality adjectives

Examples: allemand/allemande, américain/américaine, anglais/anglaise, français/française

◊ You  add  “ne” at the end of some nationality adjectives

Examples: brésilien/brésilienne, canadien/canadienne, indien/indienne

◊ Special cases

Example 1: grec/grecque

Example 2: turc/turque



List of nationality adjectives


Here you can watch a video on nationality adjectives and their pronunciation in French.

Then you can find 4 lists of nationality adjectives in French written below. Pick the adjectives you need to know in these lists and learn them.


1- Nationality adjectives that don’t change in the feminine form


English nationality adjective French nationality adjective
Belgian belge
Belarussian biélorusse
Croatian croate
Guatemalan guatémaltèque
Russian russe
Serbian serbe
Slovak slovaque
Swiss suisse
Czech tchèque




2- Nationality adjectives that get an “e” in the feminine form


English nationality adjective French masculine adjective French feminine adjective
German allemand allemande
American américain américaine
English anglais anglaise
Angolan angolais angolaise
Argentinian argentin argentine
Cameroonian camerounais camerounaise
Chinese chinois chinoise
Congolese congolais congolaise
Cuban cubain cubaine
Danish danois danoise
Spanish espagnol espagnole
Finnish finlandais finlandaise
French français française
Gabonese gabonais gabonaise
Dutch hollandais hollandaise
Hungarian hongrois hongroise
Irish irlandais irlandaise
Icelandic islandais islandaise
Japanese japonais japonaise
Lebanese libanais libanaise
Maltese maltais maltaise
Moroccan marocain marocaine
Mexican mexicain mexicaine
New-Zealander néo-zélandais néo-zélandaise
Polish polonais polonaise
Portuguese portugais portugaise
Romanian roumain roumaine
Senegalese sénégalais sénégalaise
South-African sud-africain sud-africaine




3- Nationality adjectives that get “ne” in the feminine form


English nationality adjective French masculine adjective French feminine adjective
Algerian algérien algérienne
Australian australien australienne
Austrian autrichien autrichienne
Bolivian bolivien bolivienne
Bresilian brésilien brésilienne
Canadian canadien canadienne
Cambodian cambodgien cambodgienne
Chilean chilien chilienne
Colombian colombien colombienne
Korean coréen coréenne
Egyptian égyptien égyptienne
Ethiopian éthiopien éthiopienne
Guinean guinéen guinéenne
Indian indien indienne
Iraqi irakien irakienne
Iranian iranien iranienne
Israeli israélien israélienne
Italian italien italienne
Ivorian ivoirien ivoirienne
Lybian lybien lybienne
Malian malien malienne
Norvegian norvégien norvégienne
Paraguayan paraguayen paraguayenne
Peruvian péruvien péruvienne
Saudi saoudien saoudienne
Syrian syrien syrienne
Tunisian tunisien tunisienne
Ukrainian ukrainien ukrainienne
Uruguayan uruguayen uruguayenne
Venezuelan vénézuélien vénézuélienne
Vietnamese vietnamien vietnamienne




4- Special cases


English nationality adjective French masculine adjective French feminine adjective
Greek grec grecque
Turkish turc turque
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