Croire is a useful French verb from the 3rd group. It means “to believe” or “to think” but the meaning of croire may also vary depending on the preposition used.
What’s the present tense of croire?
Here is the conjugation of the verb croire in the French present tense with its pronunciation.
Je crois
Tu crois
Il croit
Elle croit
On croit
Nous croyons
Vous croyez
Ils croient
Elles croient
Useful expressions to know with croire
Here are some other French expressions with croire that are commonly used in French:
croire que = to think that, to believe that
croire en Dieu = to believe in God
croire en soi = to believe in yourself
se croire tout permis = to have a sense of entitlement, to think you can do whatever you like
se croire sorti de la cuisse de Jupiter = to think of oneself as God’s gift to the world, to think of oneself as the center of the universe
se croire en pays conquis = to think you can lord it over everyone
croire au Père Noël = to believe in Santa Claus, to be naive
croire dur comme fer = to be firmly convinced of something, to strongly believe
ne pas en croire ses yeux = not to believe one’s eyes
ne pas en croire ses oreilles = not to believe one’s ears
Now test yourself with a quiz on the conjugation of croire!
Quiz on the present tense conjugation of croire